WOD: Front Rack Blast
For Weight/form but do not rest until all is complete
3 Sets:
5 Overhead Press (Pick weight...I will likely do 85lb)
5 Push press - add 10lb
5 Thruster - add 10lb
5 Push Jerk - add 10lb
5 Front Squat - add 10lb
5 Burpees
3min rest

***Choose a weight that will be challenging but you should be able to complete all reps (not easily). In between movements, rack the weight, put on added weight, take a breath and GO..it is a max 10-15s rest, this is supposed to blast your shoulders/legs.  In other works, why don't you go take 8 5-lb plates so you can just slap them on quickly
**Feel free to add to your starting weight in Rd2/3 if it is too light

*NOTE: This is kind of an experiment.  I had a WOD stolen that I wanted to do but I hurt my hip in BBall last night so I cut out running/jumping. 




Hello, boys. Long time, no see. Glad to see that you're still posting and keeping up! Thought I'd post this strength WOD that we did over a year ago! (mainly because I want you to try it again)

5 Rounds
12 Dead Lift
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Push Jerk

Rx'd is 155 lbs. I did it at 125 over a year ago so that's what I did it at last night.

2011 score: 15:45
2012 score: 11:37


De-load week
Wendler Week 4/Day 1:
5 Reps @ 40% max (90lb)
5 Reps @ 50% max (110lb)
5 Reps @ 60% max (130lb)

PUsh Jerk 3x3

4 Rounds:
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95lb)
200m run
1min plank (on elbows, bellow facing floor)